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Eksistensi lembaga kesejahteraan sosial JABAL NUR dalam memberdayakan anak

Peneliti tertarik untuk mengungkap Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial (LKS) ini dikarenakan dan awal pendiriannya hingga kini memiliki sekolah dari tingkat SD sampai SMA berkat perjuangannya sendiri dari ibu Safia Lamali. Bentuk pelayanan sosial bagi anak yatim piatu yaitu pemenuhan kebutuhan fisik, psikis dan sosial. LKS Jabal Nur telah menunjukkan keterlibatan dalam pemberdayaan bagi anak yatim piatu, maka penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkaneksistensi Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Jabal Nur dalam memberdayakan anak-anak yatim piatu, serta mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara terhadap pengurus panti, Dinas Sosial selaku pembina, dan anak-anak panti. Temuan penelitian keberadaan LKS Jabal Nur telah berkontribusi dalam penanganan anak yatim piatu yaitu dengan memberikan pelayanan pendidikan formal dari tingkat SD, SLTP dan SLTA. Selain itu pemberdayaan bagi anak yatim piatu berupa bimbingan fisik, psikis dan sosial untuk bekal kemandirian anak. Kesimpulan bahwa wujud nyata keberadaan LKS Jabal Nur telah memberikan kontribusi dalam pelayanan akan kebutuhan pendidikan formal bagi anak yatim piatu dari tingkat SD, SLTP dan SLTA. Anak anak juga mendapatkan bimbingan fisik, psikis dan sosial sebagai modal untuk kemandirian hidupnya. Rekomendasi guna untuk meningkatkan eksistensi Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Jabal Nur, maka diperlukan membangun jejaring kerja dengan dunia swasta agar mempunyai donatur tetap. Setelah lulus SMA agar anak-anak tersebut diarahkan untuk bisa bekerja atau melanjutkan kuliah ke perguruan bagi anak yang berprestasi dengan biaya dari LKS
Jabal Nur.
Kata Kunci: Eksistensi, Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial, Pemberdayaan.

Researcher is interested in revealing this social welfare institution (LKS) because from here it established schools from elementary to high school thanks to its own struggle from mother Safia Lamali Form of social services for orphans, namely the fulfillment of physical, psychological and social needs. LKS Jabal Nur has shown involvement in empowering orphans, so this study aims to reveal the existence of the Jabal Nur Social Welfare Institution located in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, in empowering orphaned children, as well as supporting and inhibiting factors. Data collection techniques used interviews with the institution management, the Social Service as the coach, and the orphans. The results of the interview revealed that the existence began with the establishment of the institution by using his house as a home to accommodate orphans in the neighborhood who were due to poverty conditions so they could not continue their education. Her yard, which was beside the institution, was built from elementary to high school buildings at her own expense. This institution did not have permanent individual donors, except from the government, namely BOS funds that had to be given to each school and subsidies from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Empowerment of formal education for these children, because they are children dropping out of school due to poverty conditions of parents. In addition to formal education, they also received training in training skills. The conclusion that the existence of the Jabal Nur LKS started from establishing institutions and school buildings at their own expense, and for the education of children taken from the school operational funds (BOS) which each school got without having individual donors, as well as subsidies from the Ministry of Social Affairs which were given once a year every December. Recommendations in order to increase the existence of Jabal Nur Social Welfare Institution, it is necessary to establish a network with the private world so that they have permanent donors. After graduating from high school, these children are directed to work or continue their studies to college for children who excel at the costs of Jabal LKS Nur.
Keywords: Existence, Social Welfare Institution, Empowerment.


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Rak Sosial MediaInfoPenjahSos Vol.42 (2-3) 2018
Penerbit Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial (B2P3KS) Ygyakarta : Yogyakarta.,
Deskripsi Fisik
Hal. 145-156, Vol.42 No.2 Agustus
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Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
MediaInfoPenjahSos Vol.42 (2) 2018
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