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Desain Batik Aksara Jawa pada Pengrajin Batik Berkah Lestari Giriloyo, Wukirsari, Bantul

The aim of providing training to be able to implement Javanese script as batik motif on mori material that can be read and written in the right way. In addition, to provide training to be able to use Javanese script as the batik motif on mori material in better designs to attract buyers.
The activity was applied in the form of training and mentoring. The first material given in the training is the introduction of batik. The second material is around the Javanese script and grammar. Mentoring was performed to determine the success level of the training of Javanese script writing, designing, and coloring. Mentoring activities is important and needs to be done to anticipate writing errors and colouring mismatches.
This resulted four different forms of written batik. Those areas follow: (1) hem pattern materials, Javanese script writing, is legible and was written correctly according to the rules of Javanese script writing; (2) extended was written correctly according to the rules of Javanese script writing; (3) extended tablecloths,the words on it was written correctly according to the rules of Javanese script writing; and (4) extended scarf with Javanese script. In terms of coloring, it was already good, meaning that the results of the four pieces of batik are well-done.

Keywords: javanese script, designs, batik


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Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
RAK Teknologi Inotek Vol.18,19/2,1/2014-2015
Penerbit LPPM UNY : Yogyakarta.,
Deskripsi Fisik
Hal. 166-176, Vol.18 No.2 Agustus
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Inotek Vol.18 (2) 2014
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